Comparative Study of the Pattern and Severity of Childhood Diseases seen at the Children's Emergency Room of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital in 1967 andin 1982


  • Oviawe O


Summary:  Comparison of the data obtained from the records of admissions and discharges at the Children's Emer gency Room of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital for 1967 and those for 1982 showed that the pattern of childhood emergencies had remained unchanged and that the children in the latter study period were more severely affected by their illnesses. This was probably because in 1982, more children presented late and this contributed to the high mortality within 24 hours of arrival. Furthermore, the incidence of measles, tetanus and prematurity had significantly increased in 1982. It is suggested that the present efforts by government to eradicate preventable diseases through the Oral Rehy dration Therapy and the Expanded Programme on Immunisation programmes should be sustained and that similar attention should be given to a control of acute respira tory infection programme.



How to Cite

Comparative Study of the Pattern and Severity of Childhood Diseases seen at the Children’s Emergency Room of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital in 1967 andin 1982. (2024). NIGERIAN JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRICS, 14(2), 41-44.