Genu Valgum After Proximal Methaphyseal Fractures in Child Siren - a Report of 2 Cases
Summary: Two cases of valgus deformity of the tibia following proximal metaphyseal fractures in childhood are described. They involved a 4-year old girl and a 16-year old male. The fractures were sustained at the ages 8 months and 8 years respectively. Management in each case involved the use of correc tive osteotomy but with recurrence of the deformity in the 4-year old child. A revision of the Pes Anserinus tendon plate and suturing of same was considered the mainstay of eventual successful treatment. The patho mechanism of the deformity is discussed in terms of the “rein check” theory with review of literature. It is suggested that all cases of proximal methaphyseal fractures in children should be managed primarily by revision of the Pes Anserinus Tendon plate and su turing in order to avoid later corrections by osteotomies.
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