Clinical and Bacteriological Studies on Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media in Childhood.


  • Ogisi FO


Ogisi FO.  

Summary: The clinical and bacteriological findings in 59 ears of children with active chronic suppurative otitis media are presented. Fifty-six per cent of the cases were under 6 years of age and the average duration of history was 28 months. The common clinical finding (in 80% of the ears) was a central perforation. Five cars had aural polyps and 3 had cholesteatoma. Cultures from the 59 ears yielded a total number of 69 bacterial and fungal isolates. Gram negative organisms, Pseudomonas and Proteus spp., were the most important pathogens isoiated. However, the types of organisms isolated had no direct relationship with the clinical pathology of the ears. 




How to Cite

Clinical and Bacteriological Studies on Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media in Childhood. (2024). NIGERIAN JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRICS, 9(4), 111-114.