Chemical Composition and Nutritive Values of some Nigerian School Snacks
Summary: Five school snacks namely: puli-puti, buns, cakes, cooked beans with sauce and Far-ice were analysed for their protein, minerals, sugar, starch, energy and moisture contents. Their feed efficiency ratios were also determined. Fan-ice was highest in moisture (85%) and lowest in energy (57 kcal/100mi). Buns had the highest energy content (325kcals/1oog) while cooked beans contained the highest amount of protein (15g/100g). The calciuin and iron contents of the snacks ranged from 4-125 mg/100g and from 0.1-0.9mg/100g respectively. On a unit price basis (nok), the cooked beans with sauce, would supply the highest amounts of energy, protein arid available carbohydrate whilc Fan-ice would supply the least. While cooked bear with sauce and cake supported growth, consumption of the other snacks resulted iv weight loss in experimental anirnals. Snack food consumption survey among urban school children indicated a preference for Fan-ice (49%), buns and puft-puff (15% each), cake (13%) and others (8%). It is desirable that children should be guid-d to purchase the snacks from which optimal nutritional advantage can be obtained.
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