Childhood Pneunariairtie Unitesi Of Ilorin Teaching Hospital.
Summary: Analysis of 330 children aged 10 days-14 years admitted with pneumonia, to the Uaiversity of Iloria Teaching Hospital between July 1985 and June 1985 shows thas the number represented 11.1% of all paediatric admissions during this period. Monthly distribution showed two peaks, from July to October, and January to March. The peak are incidence was 0-24 months, and male, female ratio was 1.7:1. Bronchopneumonia was diagnosed in 83-3% and lobar pneumonia in 16.7%, with cough fever ani breathlessness being the commonest presenting symptoms. Heart failure was a major complication, and severe anaemia the commonest co-morbid condition. Antibiotic treatment was instituted in all patients. Mortality was 9.7%. Immunisation against measles and pertussis, as well as early recognition and treatment of respiratory infections will enhance child survival.
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