Proteinuria and Blood Pressure Profile of Lagos School Children.
Summary: Nine hundred and five clinically healthy school children aged 7 – 17 years, attending five primary and three secondary schools within Lagos metro polis were surveyed for the prevalence of hypertension and proteinuria and to determine the relationship between hypertension and proteinuira. Analysis of the findings shows that 26.1% of the study population had varying degrees of proteinuria which were not related to the sex of the subjects. Blood pressure readings were generally higher among the girls. Seventeen pupils whose diastolic blood pressure readings were above the 97th percentile derived from the study data, were considered hypertensive and only 9 of these had proteinuria. There was thus, no significant diffe rence between normotensive and hypertensive children, with reference to proteinuịria. It is recommended that routine urinalysis and blood pressure measurements should be part of the school health service.
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