Survey of Haemoglobing Geno types in Children at Ilorin.
Summary: Haemoglobin electrophoretic patterns were determined in 1,296 apparently healthy children aged between one month and fourteen years. Homozygous SS (Hb SS) was found to have a prevalence of 1.5% and heterozygous SC (Hb SC) one of 1.3%, giving a combined prevalence of 2.8% in the population studied. The prevalence of sickle cell disease (HbSS and HBSC) was found to vary with age. There was peak prevalence of HbSS at age 4 years, with a sharp drop at age 8 years; this suggests an increase in mortality and/or morbidity from the age of about 8 years. Whereas, prevalence of Hb SS remained low after this critical age, there was a stepwise rise in that of Hb SC to a smaller peak at the age of about 13 years.
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