Prevalence of Asymtomatic Bacteriuria among Nursery School Children
Summary: A prospective study was carried out in which mid-stream urine specimens of 800 nursery school children (391 females and 409 males), aged between two and five vears, were analysed. Seventeen specimens (2.1 percent) out of thu 800 had significant bacteriuria on two consecutive cultures. Fifteen (88 percent) out of the 17 were from the females, while two (12 percent) were from the males (a male : female ratio of 1:75). This female preponderance was consistent in all age groups. 7 variation with sex was found to be statistically significant (p<0.05). The culture results were independent of age (p>0.05). Based on the present findings, it is suggested that urine for urinalysis including culture, should be obtained from nursery school children each time they have cause to visit a health care facility
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