A Hos pital-based Study of Pyogenic Meningitis in Children in Small Urban and Rural Arcas of Edo State
Summary: The incidence, aetiological agents and factors influencing the outcome of pyogenic meningitis in hospi lalised children in Edo Central Senatorial Zone are described. The incidence was 48,3 cases per thousand admissions of one month to 15 years old children. This was not only relatively high, but the usual decline in incidence with age was not observed. The other characteristic features were a high incidence of subacute and late presentation and gram legative bacillary meningitis. The case fatality rate was 113.4 per thousand cases. Among the survivors. 174.4 per thousand cases had neurological sequelae. The factors associ ated with an adverse outcome were the same as those reported from other areas. Further cducation of all categories of health care workers but, especially of physicians and purses in general and private practice is required on the recognition and management of pyo genic meningitis, including the necd for early referral of suspected cases. This is neces sary to improve outcome.
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