Childhood masturbation simulating epileptic seizures: A report of two cases and review of the literature
Abstract Background: Childhood masturbation (self-gratification) may mimic epileptic seizures, and is regarded as one of paroxysmal non-epileptic disorders in children, which incorporate several potential diagnoses. It is characterized by self-stimulation of the genitalia, associated with unusual postures and movements which could be mistaken for seizures. If not recognized, childhood masturbation could pose diagnostic difficulties, unnecessary investigative spending and considerable parental anxiety.
Aim: To highlight two cases of childhood female masturbation simulating epileptic seizures
Design: Descriptive report of clinical presentation of two cases of child masturbation mimicking seizures
Conclusion: There is need for high index of suspicion in order to diagnose cases of childhood masturbation which may be confused with epileptic seizures. Home video recording of the events is very helpful in making timely diagnosis; so that unnecessary investigations and treatment is avoided.
Keywords: childhood masturbation, non-epileptic disorder, seizure mimicsĀ
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