Correlation of cardiac troponin T level, clinical parameters and myocardial ischaemia in perinatal asphyxia
Abstract Introduction: Resource limitation in developing countries may preclude access to cardiac troponin- T assay thereby necessitating reliance on clinical judgment for identification of hypoxic myocardial cellular injury.
Objectives: cardiac troponin–T levels.
Conclusion: Clinicians working in resource–limited health facilities should have a high index of suspicion for myocardial cellular injury when these signs are e To relate selected clinical signs with elevated serum cardiac troponin-T in asphyxiated term neonates.
Methods: Asphyxia was identified by low umbilical arterial blood pH ≤ 7.20 and low five minute Apgar score ≤ 6 while controls were term, non–asphyxiated neonates. All babies were examined for heart rate, heart rhythm irregularities, peripheral pulse volume, respiratory rate, pallor, cyanosis, heart murmur and sensorium.
Results: Thirty term, asphyxiated neonates and their matched controls were studied. Central cyanosis, reduced pulse volume, pallor, depressed sensorium; tachycardia and tachypnea were all associated with increased odds ratios for abnormallicited.
Keywords: neonates, asphyxia, troponin-T, myocardial injury
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